Impact University: Child Development

Child Development

Helping Children Succeed >

What should we do to improve the lives of children growing up in adversity? From the best-selling author of How Children Succeed, a handbook to guide readers through the new science of success.

Child Development

What Your First-Grade Life Says About the Rest of It >

Badger, E. (2014-12-27, The Washington Post): A group of Johns Hopkins sociologists conducted a decades-long study on the circumstances and choices that shaped the lives of 790 Baltimore students as they grew from first graders into independent adults.

Child Development

The Downside of Resilience >

Belsky, J. (2014-11-28, The New York Times): Behind a half-century of policies to promote child development, there lies an assumption: that children are essentially equally affected by the environments they grow up in, and that positive interventions like preschool education should therefore help all children. But what if this isn't true?

Impact America is an AmeriCorps Program.