Title: Hand to Mouth: Living in Bootstrap America
Author: Linda Tirado
Published: October 2, 2014
Book Summary:
In this book, Linda Tirado expels the myth that people live in poverty because they’re lazy by providing a first hand account of being poor in modern America.”Linda Tirado tells it like it is for tens of millions of America’s low-wage workers,” writes Robert B. Reich, former U.S. Secretary of Labor. “Read what Linda has to say and you’ll understand it’s not because Linda or other low-wage workers somehow deserve to be treated this way. . . The game is rigged and we must un-rig it.” Tirando’s book allows those who have never experienced poverty to visualize the life of a minimum wage worker. “I’d like people to know that we’re not stupid,” explains Tirado in reply to common perceptions of the American lower class. “Our decisions are not made, nor our lives lived, in a vacuum.”
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