The Birmingham SpeakFirst debate team competed in the Alabama State Tournament hosted by Mountain Brook High School on Saturday, April 2nd. Students debated the following resolution: The United States should withdraw its military presence from Okinawa, Japan. SpeakFirst students Brooklin Ballard and Christion Finch competed in five preliminary rounds, defeating teams from The Montgomery Academy, Loveless Academic Magnet Program (LAMP) School, and Vestavia Hills High School. In the semi-final round, they defeated another team from Vestavia Hills High Schoool. 

In the final round they faced a team from The Montgomery Academy who recently went undefeated at the District Debate Tournament on March 12-13 debating the same topic.

We are excited to report that Brooklin and Christion won the final round and were crowned champions at the Alabama State Tournament! Impact is incredibly proud of all of our coaches and students, and we are grateful for all the support we have received from contributors across the region.

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