Impact University: Education


The Assault on Colleges — and the American Dream >

Leonhardt, David. (2017-05-25, The New York Times): With state funding way down, top public colleges are replacing high-achieving lower-income students with affluent ones.


When a Few Bucks Can Get Students to the Finish Line >

Rosenberg, Tina. (2017-03-14, The New York Times): In Georgia, keeping students solvent until graduation brings their university big dividends.


At College, a Guided Path on Which to Find Oneself >

Rosenberg, Tina. (2017-05-28, The New York Times): Many first-generation college students need help planning the arc of their studies when they see thousands of courses to pick from.


Big Gap in College Graduation Rates for Rich and Poor, Study Finds >

Korn, Melissa. (2015-02-03, The Wall Street Journal): "College completion rates for wealthy students have soared in 40 years but barely budged for low-income students, leading to a yawning gap in educational attainment between rich and poor that could have long-lasting implications for the socioeconomic divide."


How Kids Learn Resilience >

Tough, Paul. (June 2016, The Atlantic): In recent years, the idea that educators should be teaching kids qualities like grit and self-control has caught on. Successful strategies, though, are hard to come by.

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Impact America is an AmeriCorps Program.