Impact University: Payday Lending

Payday Lending

Payday Lending: Will Anything Better Replace It? >

McLean, B. (2016-05, The Atlantic): The practice is slowly being regulated out of existence. But it's unclear where low-income Americans will find short-term loans instead.

Payday Lending

The Odd Couple Fighting Against Predatory Payday Lending >

McElwee, S. (2015-03-19, The Atlantic): Unlikely allies Steve Hickey and Steve Hildebrand are leading a bipartisan fight against payday loans in South Dakota.


Broke, USA-From Pawnshops to Poverty >

Rivlin's book chronicle the early roots of the subprime meltdown and explores any number of other brilliant, if not diabolically brilliant, ways businesses have devised to grow very, very rich off those with decidedly thin wallets. He additionally profiles individuals fighting against the increasing corporatization of American society.

Impact America is an AmeriCorps Program.