Impact University: Economics


Millions in U.S. Climb Out of Poverty, at Long Last >

Cohen, P. (2016-09-25, The New York Times): Seven years after the end of the Great Recession, poverty has declined among every group. "African-Americans and Hispanics - who account for more than 45 percent of those below the poverty line of $24,300 for a family of four in most states - experienced the largest improvement."

Economics of Poverty

Economic Hardship Reporting Project >

Economic Hardship Reporting Project (EHRP) supports journalism, photo and video about economic struggle. We commission and develop stories about an unseen America and place them in many major publications.


It Can’t Happen Here >

Froomkin, D. (2015-08-16, Nieman Reports): Poverty is hardly a new phenomenon in the hardscrabble highlands of Missouri's Ozarks. But to David Stoeffler, freshly arrived at the helm of the Springfield News-Leader, the fact that two out of five families in the area with children under 18 lived below the poverty line seemed like a huge story.

Bloomberg View

To the Class of 2013 : Resist Simplicity >

Carter, S.L. (2013-05-09, Bloomberg View): Today's world has become a difficult and often frightening place to live where people face many challenges. The current generation must look to build a better America and think for themselves.

Behavioral Economics

Borrowing to Get Ahead, and Behind: The Credit Boom and Bust in Lower-Income Markets >

Fellowes, M. and Mabanta, M. (2007-05, The Brookings Institution): In the past few decades, lending has changed dramatically with an increase the supply of credit. With lending expanding in lower-class markets, a whole new array of policy implications have appeared leaving policymakers with more concerns.

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