Carolyn Ta, born and raised in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. In 2022, She graduated with a B.S. in Public Health at Coastal Carolina University and a minor in Spanish in Healthcare Professions. While at Coastal Carolina, she interned with the LiveWell Office and Tidelands Health to explore ways to improve community health After serving with Impact, she has the aspiration to advance her career through continuing education with a degree where her strengths can be highlighted.

Name and describe a memorable place you’ve been.
When I was in high school, I participated in a summer program in South Korea to study abroad and immerse myself in learning about the Korean language and culture. Through this experience, I truly began to  appreciate the asset of being multilingual. I have always loved being able to visit new countries and learn more about different cultures while also learning to appreciate different aspects of what makes them unique
What is your biggest strength?
My biggest strength is being communicative about how I am feeling and what I want. I believe that communication is key to being able to work with others and making connections. I have always been someone who is pretty outgoing and transparent about their needs and wants.
What do you like to do for fun?
In my free time, I enjoy going to a new restaurant (especially for desserts) since it expands my palette and I am more aware of different food combinations that end up being better than I had expected. I’m a huge foodie who is always wanting to try different places and new things.