Impact University: Early Childhood

Early Childhood

How America’s “Childcare Deserts” are Driving Women Out of the Workforce >

Redden, Molly. (2018-01-17, The Guardian): Rising daycare costs have put the spotlight on Washington state in a country offering little support for parents seeking childcare.

Early Childhood

Why Oklahoma’s Public Preschools are Some of the Best in the Country >

Mongeau, Lillian. (2016-02-02, Hechinger Report): Oklahomans trend conservative, yet they've embraced free, universal early education.

Early Childhood

Protecting Children from Toxic Stress >

Bornstein, David. (2013-10-30, The New York Times): "Children can be shielded from the most damaging effects of stress if their parents are taught how to respond properly."


Class Differences in Child-Rearing Are on the Rise >

Miller, C. C. (2015-12-17, The New York Times): The class differences in child rearing are growing, researchers say — a symptom of widening inequality with far-reaching consequences. Different upbringings set children on different paths and can deepen socioeconomic divisions.

Early Childhood

Overcoming Poverty’s Damage to Learning >

Bornstein, D. (2015-04-17, The New York Times): Modern research has continually linked adolescent misbehavior with a child's external traumas and stresses. In response to this evidence, child psychiatrist Pamela Cantor founded her Turnaround for Children organization to promote "nonacademic success" in schools as a way to relieve the pressures and punishments on students.

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Impact America is an AmeriCorps Program.