Impact University: Tax and Economic Policy

Portraits of Poverty

A Grim Bargain >

Harlan, C. (2015-12-01, The Washington Post): In recent years, Alabama and the Deep South have attracted large companies with low-wage workers, available land, and tax incentives and subsidies worth millions. However, not all rural Americans working for these corporations have felt the promised benefits. Chico Harlan examines the effects of this corporate trend in Wilcox County, Alabama.

Tax and Economic Policy

Various Supports for Low-Income Families Reduce Poverty and Have Long-Term Positive Effects On Families and Children >

Parrott, S., Sherman, A., and Trisi, D. (2013-07-30, Center On Budget and Policy Priorities): Arloc Sherman, Danilo Trisi, and Sharon Parrott take a closer look into the federal assistance programs in place to raise families and individuals out of poverty. Programs such as the Earned Income Tax Credit, SNAP food stamps, Medicaid, and early childhood education have been shown to provide both temporary and long-term relief to those who need them.

Stories from the Line

Working, but Needing Public Assistance Anyway >

Cohen, P. (2015-04-12, The New York Times): Nearly three-quarters of the people helped by programs geared to the poor are members of a family headed by a worker, according to a new study by the Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education at the University of California.


Hard Cash: Predatory Lending in Alabama >

Alabama Appleseed Center (2010-10-07, Throughout Alabama many types of credit services are designed to trap consumers into financial difficulties. This fact sheet reviews predatory lending practices in Alabama.

Economics of Poverty

The Benefits of Economic Expansion are Increasingly Going to the Richest Americans >

Irwin, N. (2014-09-26, The New York Times): Periods of economic expansion were once felt by the bottom 90% of earners receiving gains in income. However, since the 1940's this has drastically decreased, with the top 10% mostly experiencing gains.

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