Impact University: Civic Engagement

Civic Engagement

Why 10% of Florida Adults Can’t Vote: How Felony Convictions Affect Access to the Ballot >

Lai, K.K.R. & Lee, J. C. (2016-10-06, The New York Times): "One of every 40 American adults cannot vote in November's election because of state laws that bar people with past felony convictions from casting ballots. Experts say racial disparities in sentencing have had a disproportionate effect on the voting rights of blacks and Hispanics."


Waiting for Superman >

Filmmaker Davis Guggenheim follows a handful of young, hopeful students as they navigate the complexities of a changing educational landscape. Through these nuanced portraits, Guggenheim offers a radical review and critique of the inevitabilities of certain education policies and how we can, and must, reform the system.

Civic Engagement

A Call for National Service >

Dionne, E.J. (2014-09-14, Washington Post): From the time the United States was founded, the act of service has been seen as an expectation for all. Retired Army General Stanley McChrystal and others are calling for universal voluntary service.

Behavioral Economics

Why the Rich Don’t Give to Charity >

Stern, Ken (2013-03-20, The Atlantic): The poorest citizens in the U.S. traditionally give the largest percentage of their income to charity -- even though this category of taxpayers cannot usually make use of tax deductions for charitable contributions.

Civic Engagement

Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community >

Civic engagement hinges on being in touch with one's community, but the modern neighborhood has become cold and solitary. Putnam underlines the many reasons this should be concerning for us as a nation and shows how we can reconnect.

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Impact America is an AmeriCorps Program.