Impact University: David Bornstein

Early Childhood

Protecting Children from Toxic Stress >

Bornstein, David. (2013-10-30, The New York Times): "Children can be shielded from the most damaging effects of stress if their parents are taught how to respond properly."

David Bornstein

How a Tapestry of Care Helps Teens Succeed >

Bornstein, David. (2015-03-15, The New York Times): A remarkable nonprofit in Baltimore sends teams of volunteers to give overwhelmed youths unconditional help and guidance that cannot be withdrawn.


For Vulnerable Teenagers, a Web of Support >

Bornstein, David. (2016-03-08, The New York Times): A remarkable nonprofit in Baltimore sends teams of volunteers to give overwhelmed youths unconditional help and guidance that cannot be withdrawn.

David Bornstein

Rekindling Human Contact in the Digital Age >

Bornstein, D. (2015-05-08, The New York Times): "The emerging research about social isolation is sobering. Among people young and old in the United States and Britain, researchers are finding significant increases in loneliness."

David Bornstein

How a Tapestry of Care Helps Teens Succeed >

Bornstein, D. (2016-03-15, The New York Times): Journalist David Bornstein continues his look into Thread, a Baltimore organization focused on providing a strong support group to struggling high school students. Thread students, volunteers, and board members discuss what they think makes the organization unique and successful, from the tight-knit community feel to the consistent and persistent "Thread family."

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Impact America is an AmeriCorps Program.