Impact University: Policy


Housing Bias and the Roots of Segregation >

Haberman, Clyde. (2016-09-19, The New York Times): In 1976, Chicago provided vouchers to African-American families to move into predominantly white suburbs. Retro Report examines what happened, and how it influences policy today.

Health Care Policy

The Health-Care Cost of Homelessness >

In the past year, Los Angeles has dedicated billions of dollars towards housing the homeless. The effort is, in part, aimed at addressing the city's exorbitant health-care spending on this population.


Center on Budget and Policy Priorities >

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities is a nonpartisan research and policy institute, which pursues federal and state policies designed both to reduce poverty and inequality and to restore fiscal responsibility in equitable and effective ways.


National Center for Children in Poverty >

The National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP) is one of the nation's leading public policy centers dedicated to promoting the economic security, health, and well-being of America's low-income families and children.


The Hatcher Group >

The Hatcher Group is a public affairs and communications firm that connects nonprofits and foundations to policymakers and the media.

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Impact America is an AmeriCorps Program.