Impact University: Predatory Financial Practices

Predatory Financial Practices

For-Profit-College Fiasco: Why a Watchdog Needs a Watchdog >

Carey, K. (2016-06-21, The New York Times): An accreditor that allowed mismanaged for-profits to exist now faces extinction.

Predatory Financial Practices

Payday Lending: Will Anything Better Replace It? >

McLean, B. (2016-05, The Atlantic): The practice is slowly being regulated out of existence. But it's unclear where low-income Americans will find short-term loans instead.

Predatory Financial Practices

PPI Report: Tax Prep Chains Target Low-Income Workers >

Weinstein, P. and Patten, B. (2016-04-14, Progressive Policy Institute): National tax preparation chains continue to exploit the working poor, many of whom spend a significant portion of a key federal anti-poverty tax credit—the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)—just to pay for filing their taxes, according to a report released today by the Progressive Policy Institute.

Banking Reform

Market for Fixer-Uppers Traps Low-Income Buyers >

Goldstein, M. and Stevenson, A. (2016-02-20, The New York Times): The mortgage industry has seen a rise in a new type of long-term loan, called a contract for deed, in which investors make deals with low-income home buyers unable to get traditional mortgages. But for buyers lured by the dream of homeownership, these seller-financed transactions can become a money trap that ends with a quick eviction by the seller, who can flip the home again.

Predatory Financial Practices

The Odd Couple Fighting Against Predatory Payday Lending >

McElwee, S. (2015-03-19, The Atlantic): Unlikely allies Steve Hickey and Steve Hildebrand are leading a bipartisan fight against payday loans in South Dakota.

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Impact America is an AmeriCorps Program.